Dive sites around Safaga

Tobia Kebir

The eastern wall of the main reef is an explosion of the best marine life the Red Sea has to offer and some beautiful corals.

Dive sites around Safaga

Tobia Kabir

The eastern wall of the main reef is an explosion of the best marine life the Red Sea has to offer and some beautiful corals.

The eastern wall of the main reef is an explosion of the best marine life the Red Sea has to offer and some beautiful corals. You will find bass, surgeonfish, unicorn fish and anemones full of clownfish. On the sandy bottom at the edge of the reef you will find blue spotted rays and flatfish such as the Moses’ sole. De pinakels in het zuiden hebben scheuren en gaten waar glasvissen zich verbergen voor hongerige koraalduivels en horsmakrelen.The pinnacles in the south have cracks and holes where glassfish hide from hungry lionfish and horse mackerel. Triggerfish patrol the bottom and in the summer dolphins sometimes pass by.

Location features:

Depth: 15 m

Level: Advanced

Type: Reef dive

The photos in the carousel are from marine biologist Anja Blonk all photos were taken on the Tobia Kabir reef.

Special encounters on the Tobia Kebir reef
Nemo Dive Club & Hotel

Maglis Madina
Corniche Street – Safaga – Red Sea – Egypt

© Copyright Nemo Diveclub & Hotel 2024

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Duikvaker (Expo Houten)

1-2 February 2025
This year we will be In houten (hall 2 stand 2a14)

Scholarship offers

If you make a booking between 01/12/2024 to 28/02.2025
you will receive 5% discount on accommodation and 5% discount on each diving package

Group offer

Throughout the year:

10 person booking accommodation: 11th person free accommodation

10 divers booking dive package: 11th diver free dive package

Additional scholarship offer:

For bookings between 01/12/2024 and 28/02/2025
Additional 5% discount on the dive package, on top of the existing group discount.


valid in the months: january, february, june, july, august and december

5% discount on accommodation
15% discount on a dive package

Valid only for stays at our hotel of 7 nights or more and a dive package of 5 days or more.
Not in combination with any of our other offers
